Log From NeverWinterNights


Thorgrim Ironjaw
Gud, now we are all set..
dear people, all uf yer hear present...

Illivara De'Markesi
*grins at Falcon*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
we have come tagether ta celebrate tha marriage uf these two happy people..

I am known as Falcon

Thorgrim Ironjaw
my gud friends, Amonien and Janur.

Janur da Medican
*looks rapt at Amonien*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
On behalf of this church of Dagath, which Victoria here is representing Oi welcome you all here ta celebrate this union with us.
let us get to tha official part then...
*raises voice a bit*
Who then here of these present has come ta give away this woman, of elven heritage, named Amonien Amana?
*nods at Kaelyn*

Kaelyn MacCaddor
I do Thorgrim, assuming that the groom is to her liking.

Kira Geles
*smothers a chuckle*

Aeryn Allensbane

Janur da Medican
*has a panicked look on his face hearing that*

Amonien Amana
mhh. I don't know.. er..

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] it's just talk sir

Amonien Amana
of course!

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] you know

Janur da Medican
*looks reliefed*

Kaelyn MacCaddor
You sure?

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] these things must be said

Vanyankaya del'Trion

Amonien Amana
"smiles" i am defenitely sure. Him or no other.

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Gud, do you, Kaelyn MacCaddor of the order of Gorethar, bear witness that these people are joinin their lives out of free will and in happy circumstances?

Kaelyn MacCaddor
I do.

Thorgrim Ironjaw

Kaelyn MacCaddor
Though I have not heard from the groom so this is conditional.

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Janur da Medican, uf tha house ad Medican, Mikona...

Amonien Amana
"loks at Janur, with anticipation"

Kira Geles
*can't help it.. the chuckle escapes this time*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
before you stands Amonien Amana, High Priestess of Angadar, guardian of that Worthy's temple in Mikona...

Janur da Medican
*looks uncomprehending at Amonien*

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] this is where you just say "I do"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
she has come here to be your wife under the protectiun of Kaelyn MacCaddor and he will give her to you...

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] so be calm

Thorgrim Ironjaw
do you solemny swear to keep her save and protect her, to love and cherish her, to love and covett no other than her...
what is your answer?

Victoria Twilight
[Whisper] now

Janur da Medican
*croaks, clears his throat, then loud and clear* I do, her or no other.

Kira Geles

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Fine, so be et.

Victoria Twilight
*smiles widely

Aeryn Allensbane

Kaelyn MacCaddor
Thorgim, I do witness that both are willing.

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Amonien Amana, High Priestess of Angadar, of the temple of Angadar in Mikona...

Amonien Amana "looks a bit nervous after all"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
before you stands Janur da Medican of tha house da Medican in Mikona..

Amonien Amana
"focusses on Janur, eyes huge..."

Thorgrim Ironjaw
He has sworn before all present and before your guardian Kaelyn MacCaddor that he will love and care for you and no other, until death will part you.
Do you swear to do the same, to love and care for him and no other till death do you part?
What is your answer?

Amonien Amana
I.. I... "rushes" I do swear so, untill death does us part!

Thorgrim Ironjaw
To all present here...
if any of yer has gud reason why these people shud net be joined in holy matrimony, let him speak now, or forever hold you peace!

Janur da Medican
*looks a bit worried into the round*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
fine, so be et.

Amonien Amana
"dare say no look in her eyes"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Yer, can stand next to each other now, Janur and Amonien.
Your job is done here, Kaelyn... it is out of your hands *winks*

Kaelyn MacCaddor

Janur da Medican
*holds her close to himself*
*then, suddenly remembering, he fumbles a small box open*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
To symbolise this formal union between these two people...

Amonien Amana
"Leans in his direction"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
we have as usual rings.

Janur da Medican
*he nearly drops it, but manages to hold on to it*

Victoria Twilight
*stands near and tries to help

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Janur, please put her ring on Amonien's hand...

Amonien Amana
"holds up her hand and looks into his eyes, smiling encouragingly"

Janur da Medican
*he picks one ring out of the box, and places it on Amoniens finger*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Amonien, you can place Janur's ring now.

Amonien Amana
"looks for the ring.... then at the box Janur holds"

Janur da Medican
*holds the box so she can get the other ring out*

Amonien Amana
"smiles .."
"then takes his hand and puts the ring on his finger.. letting her hand linger in his"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
May your marriage be loike these rings, never ending an' strong with tha strength uf forged metal.

Victoria Twilight

Janur da Medican
*holds her hand, gazing into her eyes*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Let all here be witness then, to tha final part..
Janur and Amonien, by tha powers that Dagath has granted me, Oi hereby bless you and your union of lives and souls... may et last ferever!
You may now kiss tha bride *grins*

Amonien Amana
"embraces Janur tenderly"

Janur da Medican
*eagerly he embraces Amonien, kissing her*

Victoria Twilight
*claps hands


Amonien Amana
"moves against him, holding the kiss"

Thorgrim Ironjaw
Et is done...

Aeryn Allensbane

Janur da Medican
*hugs her closer*

Sugrin Crow
*Looks at Rego*

Thorgrim Ironjaw
we have a mister and missus here.

Illivara De'Markesi

Kira Geles
*grins and brushes a tear from the corner of her eye*

Rego Jerd
*winks at Sugrin*

Kira Geles
that was so beautiful

Janur da Medican
*still kissing Amonien*

Kaelyn MacCaddor
*looks at Kira and grins* I think it is time to talk to Delen.

Amonien Amana
Finally has to gasp for air"